Published on: 23 Jan, 2024
Collaborating to Shape a Better Future For Pets

At PetRescue, we’re working towards a future where there’s a transformed animal welfare system that protects and cares for vulnerable pets and a recognised process of support, rehabilitation and care. We believe that progress toward better human and pet welfare outcomes can only be achieved through a collaborative approach.
A lot of that collaboration happens in the background at PetRescue every day by uniting with bodies such as the Australian Institute of Animal Management (AIAM), Getting 2 Zero (G2Z), state-based local government representative bodies and research working groups to shape a better future for pets in Australia.
Here's a snapshot of the exciting progress made through collaboration in 2023.
Romeo, adopted thanks to Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre
Collaboration for Impact!
In Victoria...
PetRescue was part of a task force that came together with unique insights to provide a snapshot of pet rehoming processes in Australia.
PetRescue provided and supported recommendations to Animal Welfare Victoria that will change the future for pets and ultimately help keep them safer in the system.
We also recommended that the scope of the reforms be expanded to include proactive and preventative measures to keep pets in their homes and out of the system in order to provide positive welfare outcomes.
Find out more about the Taskforce on Rehoming Pets here.
PetRescue now has an ongoing role in the working group that is providing consultation for the seventeen recommendations from the Taskforce on Rehoming Pets Report and how the government is going to implement those in reality. This will help the government shape the legislation framework that everyone in the sector will work under.
In New South Wales...
Like much of Australia, New South Wales is facing significant challenges in the pet management and rehoming space.
We see the current challenges within the pet management sector in New South Wales as an opportunity to shift the entire sector towards a more effective, successful, and welfare-conscious future for both people and pets.
In collaboration with AIAM, PetRescue participated in providing recommendations, including some insights we’ve learned from our rescue community, as part of the submission.
Based on that submission, PetRescue was asked to give evidence in the parliamentary enquiry.
Dr Diana Rayment (PetRescue) and Nell Thompson (Getting2Zero) advocated for a shift towards a more flexible, well-funded and proactive legislative framework in New South Wales, challenging the current enforcement-centric approach. Diana told the story of a much-loved pet who was lost because his family could not get the help they needed to help the Committee understand the bigger picture drivers impacting the pet management and welfare sector. Nell presented practical ways to implement proactive initiatives such as micro-targeting cat desexing and returning lost pets to their homes to an engaged committee.
Read more about PetRescue’s submission here.
Ace, found his new family safely through Home2Home
Big Hairy People & Pets Summit & Workshops - October 2023
The theme for the 2023 summit was Breaking Down Barriers - with a focus on programs, practices and strategies that involve and engage the community in managing their pets and the role that organisations play in providing support to both companion animals and the people who care for them.
It was the perfect opportunity for the Home2Home team to take centre stage and host a session on assisted rehoming as an alternative to surrender for Summit attendees, which included representatives from councils and rescue organisations. This session not only introduced assisted rehoming as an alternative to pet surrenders but also laid the groundwork for fostering collaboration within the sector.
The summit provided an invaluable opportunity to build meaningful relationships with others across the sector. Many who attended the Home2Home session expressed keen interest in incorporating assisted rehoming initiatives or referring people to the Home2Home program.
By providing support and resources, we aim to inspire others within the sector to implement their own assisted rehoming programs. Together, we can make a significant impact by preventing pets from entering the shelter system, lightening the load for rescue organisations and leaving more space in rescue and foster networks for pets most in need.
Baby Kiko, found love thanks to Marco Small Pet Rescue
Recognition & support of the bond between pets and their families.
Pets are very much a part of our families, which is why PetRescue fully supports including companion animals and pets in the next Census survey. The Census captures lots of information about what's happening in the family household - but doesn't currently recognise pets as part of this unit!
Find out more about how including pets in the Census will help the community.
Data to drive change, but make it fun!
PetRescue’s Visualise Science project is translating complex data into easy-to-understand graphics. By presenting complicated and sometimes confusing data in a more accessible way that’s clear, understandable, and engaging, we can challenge existing beliefs and leverage new data to inform initiatives to drive change for pets and people in the community.
Banner image: Stormi, found love thanks to wat djerring Animal Facility