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(that needs one)
since 2004.
For almost two decades, PetRescue has helped in creating true social change by bringing pet adoption into the mainstream. Our work has helped make a difference to the Australian rescue community and thousands of pets in need of rescue and rehabilitation. But, until every pet is safe, respected, and loved, we all still have big, hairy work to do. Find out more about our mission to help save 100,000 healthy and rehomable pets each year.
Find out more19 years of impact
We've fetched some numbers for you...Search 0 adoptable pets from rescue groups, shelters, and pounds across the nation!
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Our furry BFFs are part of the family, but in Australia, rental laws and pet ownership have never really gone hand in hand (or is it paw in paw?). Take a look at Pet Circle's guide to renting with pets.
Read moreIn collaboration with Pet Circle

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